
Queen Tiye

Queen Tiye is a character that connects Egypt’s historical & cultural events. She is associated to three generations, as she was the wife of Amenhotep III, the mother of King Akhenaten & the grandmother of King Tut.

She was figured so prominently in the life of her husband (Amenhotep III more so than any other queen). Her name is paired with his on numerous objects, such as vessels, jewellery & commemorative scarabs. She was the first Egyptian queen to have her name recorded on official acts, and hence was named by egyptologists “The Elder Lady”.

Her husband set up a great palace for her with a huge lake at (Malqata) in Thebes, and colossal statues equivalent to those of the kings in temples, her features became a model for the features of the goddess (Mut).

She had a very strong personality and was so intelligent; hence she held several administrative positions in the palace, and had a role in Egyptian foreign diplomacy. she played a major role in maintaining internal stability during Amarna period.